Travel Hotel Blog

The Many Names of Istanbul

December 23, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Posted by: Barry K. Rothman

Today, we call it Istanbul but if we traveled back in time and asked for directions to Istanbul we might get funny looks. This is because the region has changed dramatically over time, both in who claimed ownership and what the people themselves thought of the area.


Also called Byzantion, Byzantium is the European settlement of Istanbul. The city was formed through several tribes that were loosely connected.


The city was founded by ancient Greeks known as Thracians. Some structures and walls from this period still survive today, but the city has largely moved on. The names of Lygos and Byzantium are more like regions, but they mark portions of what is today known as Istanbul.

Augusta Antonia

When Rome laid siege to the city in AD 196, they left it heavily damaged and in need of repair. To celebrate their victory, they rebuilt the glory of Byzantium and stuck the Roman name of Augusta Antonia in honor of the emperor’s son.


Constantine was said to have been attracted to the region of Istanbul thanks to a prophetic dream. When he settled in the city, he decided to declare it as the new capital in Rome. As a result, it was one of the busiest and largest cities throughout the ancient Greek and Byzantine world.

Origins of Istanbul

After the city fell to the Turks in the 1450s, the invaders adapted Constantinople to their own language. The name stuck for 500 years until the administration of the city adopted Istanbul from the Greek phrasing for “in the City.”



About the Author: Barry K. Rothman is an elementary school teacher in Houston, Texas. he is originally from NYC. He loves travelling to new places and taking pictures.

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